Employee Name: Email Start Date: Job Title:
1. Health and Safety Policy & Information Complete? Comments
1.1 Has the Company’s Health and Safety Policy been explained to the new starter and a copy provided? Complete
1.2 Have they been told where their nearest Health and Safety Notice Board is? Complete
1.3 Have they been instructed where to go to obtain health and safety assistance? Complete
2. Emergencies and Fire Arrangements Complete? Comments
2.1 Has the new starter been informed of the procedure to follow on discovering a fire or hearing the fire alarm, including where the fire escape routes and fire exits are in the building? Complete
2.2 Have you explained where the fire assembly point is and the role of the Fire Marshals? Complete
2.3 Have you explained where the fire extinguishers & fire blankets are positioned, how they operate and what type of fires they are suitable for extinguishing? Complete
3. Welfare Facilities & First Aid Complete? Comments
3.1 Have you pointed out the location of the toilets, washing facilities, kitchen & rest areas, lockers, emergency showers etc (as appropriate)? Complete
3.2 Have you pointed out the location of the nearest first aid box, first aid room (if provided) and told them who the local first-aiders are (and how to contact them)? Complete
4. Accidents and Hazard Reporting Complete? Comments
4.1 Have you explained the incident / accident reporting procedure and how to report a hazard? Complete
4.2 Have you pointed out the location of the nearest Emergency Telephone and the emergency numbers? Complete
5. Risk Assessments & Training Complete? Comments
5.1 If the work of the new starter involves a significant amount of DSE use, has their DSE workstation been assessed by the DSE assessor? Complete
5.2 Have you discussed the following issues with the new starter, where these are appropriate to their work:

i. General workplace, workshop or laboratory health & safety (housekeeping, safe storage, local rules etc)?

ii. Safe lifting techniques?

iii. Work with hazardous substances, and the location of COSHH assessments and Safety Data Sheets, if applicable?

iv. Safe use & maintenance of machinery and equipment, including pointing out the safety features?

v. Electrical safety?

vi. Risk assessments and safe systems of work specific to the work of the new starter (if not covered above)?
5.3 Have the H&S training needs of the new starter been identified? Complete
6. Work Outside Hours and Prohibitions Complete? Comments
6.1 Have you explained the policy on work outside normal working hours? Complete
6.2 Where appropriate, have you explained which work activities they are not permitted to undertake, equipment they are not authorised to use, substances they must not handle and any restricted locations? Complete
7. Personal Protective Equipment Complete? Comments
7.1 Have you informed them of any activities for which personal protective equipment or other safety equipment is required and why it must be used? Complete
7.2 Has the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) been issued and its proper use, storage and maintenance explained? Complete
7.3 Have you explained the procedure for reporting defective or damaged PPE and obtaining replacements? Complete
8. List here any health and safety training needs identified (including timescales for attendance) and any additional H&S information required by / for the new starter:
I certify that the above health and safety induction subjects have been explained:
Employee signature:
Induction conducted by: Manager Email: